About us

Starteck Finance Limited (formerly known as Nivedita Mercantile and Financing Limited) is a Non Banking Finance Company engaged in the business of Financing industrial or other enterprises.

Board of Directors
Mr. Amit Pitale - Whole time Director & Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Anand Shroff - Non-Executive Director
Mr. Pankaj Jain - Non-Executive Director
Mr. Gautam Panchal - Independent Director
Ms. Sandhya Malhotra - Independent Director
Mr. Nilesh Parikh - Independent Director

Company Secretary
Mr. Laukik Bhise

M/s. MKPS & Associates
Chartered Accountants
FRN. 302014E
701, Stanford office,
Condominium, Near Shoppers Stop, S. V. Road,
Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058

Registrar and share Transfer Agent

Registrar and share Transfer Agent
All inquiries relating to the shareholders accounting records, share transfers, transmission of shares, change of address, non receipt of dividends, loss of share certificates etc should be addressed to our share transfer agents the following address.

M/s Adroit Corporate Services Private Limited
1st Floor, 18-20, Plot no. 639,
Makhwana Road, Marol,
Andheri (East), Mumbai- 400 059
Tel No.: 022-42270400
Email: info@adroitcorporate.com


  Financial Info
Notices & Others